The BEST 10 Tips You Never Heard of: A&P Tutor Secrets Revealed

Hi guys I just want to introduce myself and give you an idea of where these tips are coming from.

I’m a professional anatomy and physiology tutor with just over 10 years of tutoring college-level A&P and Nursing courses. In that time, I obtained a bachelors in both Kinesiology and Nursing and now am currently a registered nurse working as an Operating room circulator.

Now before I start listing off these tips I want to let you know that for each tip, eventually I will be posting a respective video where I will go into full detail of how that individual strategy can be best implemented for your success.

I also have plans to include examples, testimonies, and even scripts for you to implement to formulate intelligent dialogue with your peers and professors. 

Yess SCRIPTS! You’re taking this class because you are pursuing a healthcare profession, so you will be expected to speak knowledgeably about your expertise, it’s time that you consider communicating like one!


Anyhow, enough of the pleasantries- let’s get on with these tips!

#1 Take a personality test or learning style quiz



  • Most people don’t know how they learn or have never even taken the time to self-evaluate and find out why certain strategies have or haven’t worked out for them in the past!

  • Having this knowledge sets the foundation for what strategies you will decide to implement throughout your current and future studies

  • You might even discover insights about what career suits your personality!

#2 Learn about etymology  i.e. “the study of word origins


  • Save this link to the etymology search engine or bookmark it on your browser- trust me you’re going to want to have this:

  • Buy a Greek and Latin root word dictionary

  • With these resources, search vocabulary words and word parts as you come across them in your studies


The greatest struggle in this course is the vocabulary! …And in A&P, SPELLING MATTERS‼

  • If you are reading this before taking your A&P course, you are already ahead of all your peers!

  • Most students feel like they go home with a bag of words that they can’t even pronounce or let alone spell and they have no idea how to organize all this information!

  • The problem is that most students try to approach this class with the same approach that helped them succeed in their previous science courses because they also perceive this course as a science course.

    What students don’t realize is that Anatomy & Physiology is the course where you learn the universal language of science and medicine!

    REALITY CHECK:   Anatomy is a LANGUAGE course, and the culture you are immersing in is SCIENCE!

  • Now you might be wondering “What do I do when I start learning new root words?”

  • [introduce detailed video]

  • *Well, there is more to it than just looking up definitions; If this tip is new to you and you are intrigued, it is imperative that you Check out my other video where I take time go into extreme detail on how to best apply this etymology tip to put you at the top of your class.

  • As a seasoned A&P tutor, I cannot tell you how this single tip LITERALLY changes the game for how you study for this course

Don’t sleep on this information!

I’m giving it to you free of charge because I want so badly for you to succeed and I just want to help more than just my paying customers!

#3 Take advantage of your class time


  • Find a seat close to the front or towards the center of your class

    • Why? Research has found that students who make a conscious effort to sit within the “T-Zone” of the class are most likely to be engaged in the lecture

  • Get your hands on the models

    • Why? Most students are taking this class because they are likely to pursue a career in healthcare which is primarily a hands-on job- it’s best to start getting familiar with.

    • Now, I understand that most students today are taking online courses and may not have the luxury of tangible models to learn from- but guess what- this is HUMAN anatomy!- USE YOURSELF! If the lecture is pertaining to something you can see or feel on yourself, or another person, take advantage and see if the people around you are interested in helping you review your content- they might even learn a thing or two about themselves!

  • Ask questions during lecture

  • Turn off your mobile device notifications

#4 PREview instead of REview

How? - stick around for more…

Why? - stick around for more…


Why “Making Flashcards” Doesn’t Work!